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Welcome to the Lobbying Register | Clàr-Coiteachaidh   

Important: User Survey - open until 28 February 2025     

The Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe) is conducting a survey on behalf of the Lobbying Register Project to gather feedback on potential enhancements to the Lobbying Register for use in the next Parliamentary session. 

We want to hear from users on improvements we can make to enhance the functionality of the existing Register, and seek comments from those contributing directly to the Register (registered organisations) and others who use the system more generally, seeking information. 

Our News page provides more information on the survey.

The survey is available now until 28 February 2025.


About the Lobbying Register

The Register provides details of regulated lobbying undertaken since 12 March 2018, when it became a legal requirement to register and submit information returns in line with the provisions set out in The Lobbying (Scotland) Act 2016.

As such, the Register lists regulated lobbying undertaken face-to-face (including by video conference) of the following:

  • a member of the Scottish Parliament (MSP)
  • a member of the Scottish Government (Cabinet Secretaries and Scottish Law Officers)
  • a junior Scottish Minister
  • a Scottish Government Special Adviser or the Scottish Government’s Permanent Secretary (aside from Special Advisers, the only civil servant covered by regulated lobbying within the Act).